Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

wed 22 apr 2020 19:00 hour
Composer: Herman Strategier

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

Works by Herman Strategier (1912-1988).


1. Piano Sonata (1948).
David Mannesse, piano.

2. Ritornello capriccioso, for organ (1944).
Wouter van Belle, Bätz-organ in the Domkerk, Utrecht.

3. Piano sonatina no. 1 (1951).
David Mannesse, piano.

4. Aula novis gaudit (1988) ‘Aula Overture’.
Employees and students from the Catholic University in Nijmegen.

5. Voluntary for organ (1975).
Wouter van Belle, Bätz-organ in the Domkerk in Utrecht.

6. Four Maria antiphons (1939).
Wouter van Belle, organ. Kathedrale Koor Utrecht led by Hans de Gilde.

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