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CD of the Week

sun 19 feb 2017 09:00 hour
Composer: Giaches de Wert

New releases attracting international attention.

Divine Theatre | Giaches de Wert.

Early music for an a capella choir: ensemble Stile Antico in the Flemish-Italian world of Giaches de Wert.



Motets of Giaches de Wert (1535 – 1596)

01:17 | Gaudete in Domino a 5
02:43 | Hoc enim sentite in vobis a 5
10:16 | Saule, Saule a 8

15:21 | Vox in Rama audita est a 5
20:03 | Amen, amen dico vobis a 5
25:51 | Egressus Jesus a 7
31:57 | Peccavi super numerum a 6

40:30 | O Crux ave, spes unica a 5
44:10 | Ascendente Jesu in naviculam a 6
49:13 | Virgo Maria hodie ad coelum a 6
54:07 | O altitudo divitiarum a 6

Stile Antico – photo Eric Richmond


Released by Harmonia Mundi Musique, HMM 807.620 (2017)

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