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Bonum Est

thu 22 nov 2012 18:00 hour

Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Schola Resupina – Canticum Amantissimi.

In episode 102 of Bonum Est you will hear various Gregorian hymns on the texts of Psalm 44 (45) and the associated Mary hymns, now and then alternated by organ.

1. Antiphona – Salve Regina (tonus solemnis)
2. Paul Hofhaimer – Salve Regina
3. Graduale – Speciosus forma
4. Communio – Diffusa est gratia
5. Responsorium – Diffusa est gratia
6. Alleluia – Specie tua
7. Graduale – Propter veritatem
8. Introitus – Vultum tuum
9. Girolamo Frescobaldi – Recercar
10. Responsorium – Vidi speciosam 
11. Offertorium – Ave Maria
12. Juan Cabanilles – Ave maris stella
13. Girolamo Frescobaldi – Hymnus – Ave maris stella
Schola Resupina (see picture at the bottom) led by Isabell Köstler. Bomi Kim, vocal solos. Helene von Rechenberg, organ
CD: Canticum Amantissimi
(Gramola 98907, 2011)

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