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Bonum Est

thu 20 sep 2012 18:00 hour

Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Eastern Liturgies 12 – Three Armenian CDs.

In the 93rd episode of Bonum Est you will hear the traditional Armenian liturgical music by three different performers, in recordings of the Soviet period (1969 & 1980), the transition (1992) and now (2003). 
On the picture at the right: Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935)

1. Sourb-Sourb (Holy-Holy)
2. Ur Es Mair Im (Where are You, My Mother)
3. Bats Mes Ter (Open to Us, Lord)
4. Havoun Havoun
5. Khorhourd Khorin (Deep Sacrament)
6. Tiramayr (Holy Mother)
Lusine Zakarian, soprano assisted by Levon Abrahamian, organ & the Armenian Chamber Orchestra led by Zareh Sahakiants
CD: Armenian Medieval Spiritual Music
(OCTA Records OCD 002, 1995)
7. A Token Of Faith
8. Holy God
9. Cherubic Hymn
10. Mercy, Peace and Blessed Sacrifice (MakarYekmalian, 19th century)
11. Our Father (Makar Yekmalian, 19th century)
Choeur Arménien de Sofia led by Bedros Papazian. soloists: Marie Krikorian, Karapet Benlian, Marie Basmadjian, Alice Bovarian and Ivo Zhelev
CD: Armenia Sacra – Chants Liturgique Arméniens
(JADE 699622-2, 1992 / 2007)
12. Vori Keroupeagan
13. Alleluia
14. Patz Mez Der
15. Ures Mayr Im
Goussan Aljanian
CD: Pâques arméniennes
(Ad vitam records AV 120115, 2012)
Lusine Zakarian (1937-1992).jpg

soprano Lusine Zakarian (1937-1992)

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