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Bonum Est

Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Vox Clamantis – Filia Sion.

In the 90th episode of Bonum Est you will hear the latest CD of Vox Clamantis with various hymns on the Old Testament’s "Daughter of Sion".

1. Antiphon: Ecce venit / Psalm 94
2. Introitus: Gaudeamus
3. Organum: Rex virginum
4. Gloria
Perotinus (approx.1160-c1230)
5. Conductus: Beata viscera
6. Gradual: Audi filia
Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz (approx. 1400-1480)
7. Cantio: Prelustri elucentia
8. Offertory: Ave Maria
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
9. Sequentia: O ignis spiritus
10. Agnus Dei
11. Communio: Exulta filia Sion
12. Antiphon: Salve regina
13. Antiphon: Virgo prudentissima / Magnificat
Vox Clamantis led by Jaan-Eik Tulve (see picture at the bottom)
CD: Filia Sion
(ECM 2244, 2012)

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