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Bonum Est

Bonum Est: a programme on Gregorian Chant. Carmina Celtica; Celtic Saints’ travels through medieval Europe.

In the 22nd episode of Bonum Est you will hear songs of the CD "Carmina Celtica" performed by Ensemble Canty led by Rebecca Tavener. 
Songs about the travels of Celtic Saints through medieval Europe, the light and the creation.
What makes this CD special is the cross connections between classical and traditional, old and new, east and west. All recordings are world premieres.

On the picture: Canty with harpist William Taylor.
1. Inchcolm antifonale "Salve Splendor". 
James MacMillan (1959).
2. "Os Mutorum". 
3. Inchcolm antifonale "Confessor Dei". 
Ivan Moody (1964).
4. "O Quam Mirabilis". 
Michael McGlynn (1964).
5. "Lorica". 
Peter McGarr (1953).
6. "Flower Garland". 
7. Office for the H. Brigit, five antiphones for the Lauden. 
8. W1 / St Andrews Music Book "Inviolata, Integra Et Casta Es".
9. "Beatus Gallus". 
Rebecca Rowe (1970).
10. "There Is Nothing Brighter Than The Sun". 
11. "A Solis Occasu". 
Gabriel Jackson (1962).
12. "Ubi Flumen Praesulis". 
13. Sprouston brevier "Sacrosanctam Kentegernus".
James McCarthy (1979)
14. "The Stars In Their Courses". 
John Tavener (1944).
15. "Two Hadiths". 
Canty led by Rebecca Tavener. William Taylor, harp.
(CD: Carmina Celtica, Linn Records CKD 378, 2010)

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