Bach Ad Infinitum | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Bach Ad Infinitum

mon 27 feb 2023 13:00 hour

Episode 1141. In this new Bach week, cantatas for Oculi Sunday (the third Sunday in Lent), for Annunciation, and for Palm Sunday are featured. In addition, there are many cello concertos by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, and we begin broadcasting Bach’s passion music.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
1. Cantata “Widerstehe doch der Sünde,” BWV 54
-I. Aria “Widerstehe doch der Sünde” (alto)
-II. Recitative “Die Art verruchter Sünden” (alto)
-III. Aria “Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel” (alto)
-IV. Chorale “Jesum nur will ich liebhaben”
Markus Forster, alto. J.S. Bach Foundation conducted by Rudolf Lutz
(cd Bach Cantatas N4 Bach Foundation – Rudolf Lutz)

Read more about cantata BWV 54.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
2. Cello concerto in A minor, WQ 170
-I. Allegro Assai
-II. Andante
-III. Allegro Assai
Roel Dieltiens, cello. Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century
(cd CPE Bach Cello Concertos)

Johann Sebastian Bach
3. From Cantata BWV 115: Soprano aria “Mache Dich, Mein Geist, Bereit”
Jan-Willem Rozenboom, piano
(cd Bach Seven Transcriptions)

4. From Cantata “Mache Dich, Mein Geist, Bereit,” BWV 115:
– IV. Air “Bete Aber Auch Dabei” (Lounge Version)
5. From Cantata “Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich,” BWV 150:
– VII. Chorus “Meine Tage In Dem Leide”
Anna Prohaska, soprano. Lautten Compagney conducted by Wolfgang Katschner
(cd Bach – Redemption)

Photo: Jan-Willem Rozenboom

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