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The Early Garden

sun 28 may 2017 16:00 hour

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses. La Cité des Dames part 1: music by female composers from the Middle Ages.

Part 1 of a two-part series on music by female composers from the Middle Ages, with recordings from the album CD ‘La Cité des Dames’ by Spanish ensemble Capella de Ministrers. This album is a musical frame around the book of the same name by 14th-century writer Christine de Pizan. She described an imaginary city, inhabited exclusively by women.

Kassia van Byzantium (c. 810-865)
1. Mulierum

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1197)
2. Ave Generosa

Herrada de Landsberg (ca. 1125 – 1195)
3. Sol Orritur Occasus

Clariasas de Valencia (14th century)
4. Gaude flori viriginali

Héloïse (1101-1164)
5. Rex in accubitum

Codex Bamberg (13th century)
6. Virgo Virginum

Gracia Baptista (ca. 1557-?)
7. Conditor Alme Siderum

Kassia van Byzantium
8. La Mujer Caída

Abadía de Fleury (12th / 13th century)
9. Visistatio Sepulcri

Capella de Ministrers under the direction of Carles Magraner
(CdM 1333, 2013)

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