An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 21 may 2024 19:00 hour

Composers in the Great War – part 9

This is the ninth episode in a series on chamber music by composers who were drafted or enlisted to fight in World War I. Today we will focus in on music by composers Rudi Stephan (1887-1915), Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962) and Paul Hindemith (1895-1963).


1. Rudi Stephan: Musik für sieben Saiteninstrumente (1911)
a. Sehr ruhig – Energisch bewegt
b. Nachspiel – Sehr getragen – Belebt
– Kuss Quartet, Hinrich Alpers (piano), Nabil Shehata (double bass) and Marie-Pierre Langlamet (harp)


2. Fritz Kreisler:
a. Scherzo in the style of Ditterdorf
b. Andantino in the style of Martini
c. Aubade provençale in the style of Couperin
d. Menuet in the style of Porpora
– Oscar Shumsky, violin and William Wolfram, piano


3. Paul Hindemith: Wie es war’, wenn’s anders war (1918)
– Christiane Oelze, soprano and Ensemble Villa Musica


4. Paul Hindemith: Melancholie op. 13 (1917-1919) lyrics Christian Morgenstern (1871-1914)
a. Die Primeln blühn und grüßen…
b. Nebelweben
c. Dunkler Tropfe
d. Traumwald
– Christiane Oelze, soprano and ensemble Villa Musica

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