An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 2 mar 2021 19:00 hour

A Walk with Wölfl Part IV

Haydn’s oratorio “Die Schöpfung” had a massive impact in 1798 and remained immensely popular after that. In “A Walk with Wölfl Part IV”, we hear how Joseph Wölfl (1773-1912) skillfully anticipated this in a sonata for piano and violin. Vienna became too small for him, so in 1800 he started travelling a lot in Germany and Bohemia, and still found time to compose in the postal coach. We will hear the finale of a piano concerto and parts of Wölfl’s Trios Op. 23.

Joseph Wölfl: Sonata for piano and violin in A major. Op. 14 No. 1

Steven Vanhauwaert, piano

Guillaume Sutre, violin


Joseph Wölfl: finale from Piano concerto No. 1 in G major, Op 20

Yorck Kronenberg, piano

SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern

Johannes Moesus


Joseph Wölfl: part 1 and 3 from Trio in D major, Op. 23 No. 1

Part 2 and 4 from Trio in E major, Op. 23 No. 2

Laure Colladant, fortepiano, Elizabeth Balmas, violin, David Simpson, cello


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