An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 1 dec 2020 19:00 hour

Joseph Wölfl (1773-1812): a brilliant pianist with extremely large hands. He was a contemporary and rival of Beethoven, and famous throughout Europe. But nowadays, he has been completely forgotten. It is always a challenge to find out whether Wölfl has been forgotten deservedly or not.


1.Joseph Wölfl: 1st part from Sonata in B minor Op. 38

Mattias Spee, piano


2.ditto: 2nd part

3.Michal Kleofas Ogiński: Polonaise No.13 in A minor (Farewell to the Fatherland)

Iwo Zaluski, piano


4.Joseph Wölfl: fragment from 1st part Piano Concerto in G major Op. 20

Yorck Kronenberg, piano

SWR Radio Orchestra Kaiserslautern

Johannes Moesus


5.Joseph Wölfl: Fragment from 1st part Piano Concerto No.5 in C major Op. 43

Yorck Kronenberg, piano

SWR Radio Orchestra Kaiserslautern

Johannes Moesus


6.Joseph Haydn: Fragment from Symphony No.100 2nd part

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

Donald Runnicles


7.Joseph Wölfl: Andante from Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op. 36 ‘The Calm’

Yorck Kronenberg, piano

SWR Radio Orchestra Kaiserslautern

Johannes Moesus


8.Joseph Wölfl: from Piano Sonata Op. 6 No.2 in D major 1st part

Laure Colladant, fortepiano


9.Joseph Wölfl: fragment from Piano Sonata Op. 6 No.1 in A minor 2nd part

Laure Colladant, fortepiano

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