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Acoustic Roots

fri 20 dec 2013 21:00 hour

Acoustic Roots: a review on the first six months.

Linde Nijland.jpg
Haytham Safia                           Fred Piek, Linde Nijland, Bert Ridderbos
There has been a live broadcast of Acoustic Roots every third friday of the month between 21:00-21:00 CET since June 21, 2013. Known and lesser known artists from the Netherlands, Namibia and America have performed in our living-room studio in the Conclusion building in Utrecht.
Shishani                                              Namgyal Lhamo
We will play back some parts of these broadcasts. What is the latest musical news from these artists? We will also look ahead to the programming of Acoustic Roots in the new year. 
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Pauni Trio en rechter foto Myshkin
You can listen to the concerts from 2013 through the links below:

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