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Early Music in the Week of Melancholy

tue 20 nov 2018
Theme: Early Music

Harmony of spheres
Melancholy has always been associated black bile. The Harmony of the Spheres and the planet Saturn in particular were associated with serious melancholy. Many composers have set this theme to music. In the Week of Melancholy we’re playing some examples, interspersed with other music of a different mood.

Monday 26th November
13.00: ‘ Bach’ ad Infinitum with among others Cantate BWV 181 “Komm du süsse Todesstunde”. The rest of the Bachweek (Monday to Friday at 13.00-14.00) is also devoted to melancholy .

18.00 : ‘Nuove Musiche’ with the cd ‘Johannes Tinctoris – Secret Consolations’ by the ensemble Le Miroir de Musique led by Baptiste Romain

19.00: ‘Serie Jordi Savall’ with melancholy music such as Lachrimae’s by Dowland and old recordings with Savall in which we hear two deceased Spanish sopranos: Montserrat Figueras and Victoria de los Ángeles.


Thursday 29th November
19.00: ‘Zwerven door de Renaissance’ with ‘Saturn and Melancholy’, a melancholy programme around the cd ‘Saturn and Polyphony’ by Ensemble Daedalus led by Roberto Festa .

20.00: ‘Concertzender Live’ with a recording from the Early Music Festival 2015: ‘The Image of Melancholy’ by the Danish ensemble Barokksolistene.

Sunday 2nd December
15.00: ‘Missa etc.’ with In Memoriam Jan Kruit by Beatrijs Vissers

16.00: ‘De Tuin van Oud’ with De Profundis by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Lamentatio van Juan de Lienas, and a Requiem-mis by Jean Gilles.

De Saint-Étienne cathedral Toulouse, where Jean Gilles worked.