In December we asked you which two jobs royal composer Giuseppe de Majo had and at which court? The correct answer: Guiseppe de Majo was the organist and Maestro di Capella at the court of Queen Maria Amalia of Naples.
The winner is: A. Tabak-Scholten from Almelo.
New prize question
Who did Brahms compose his Alto Rhaposody for ? Send your answer before 7th March to prijsvraag@concertzender.nl
You can win the CD Johannes Brahms. Symphony No. 4 – Alt Rhapsodie – Schicksalslied, with soloist Ann Hallenberg, alto and the Collegium Vocale Gent / Orchestre des Champs-Élysées conducted by Phillipe Herreweghe.
This CD appeared on Outhere/PHI LPH025 and has been made available through the Vereniging Klassieke Zaken.