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Bonum Est | The Mystery of Gregorian chant

sun 22 nov 2015
Theme: Early Music

Bonum est on Monday 23 November (11.00-12.00 CET) investigates The Mystery of Gregorian chant with a seminar from the 1960s given by Spanish monks.


You can listen to the monks from Silos in a seminar from 1961 in which the most important musical principles of Gregorian chant are explained and demonstrated.


These same monks can also be heard on a record from 1964 in which they sing chants from their own lost Mozarabic tradition. This tradition existed from before 711 up until the 11th century.


Finally Gregoriana Amsterdam will also sing excerpts from their recent book 'Calculemus et Cantemus' a computer reconstruction of one of the longest chants from this lost tradition.


These three approaches may solve the mystery. Gregorian chant is not about the "music" but is all about the way in which the texts are sung. These texts may have come from Rome but the way in which they are sung most probably came from Constantinople via Spain and Gaul.



  • Sunday 15 November 2015, 15.00-16.00 CET
  • Monday 23 November 2015, 11.00-12.00 CET


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