Dancing and the Blues | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Dancing and the Blues

sun 7 apr 2024 00:00 hour

In this Dancing and the Blues episode, Ben van den Dungen talks to a great musician. An ambassador of or for the Dutch music scene with a glittering international career. She already has two Grammy nominations to her name. A courageous woman, adventurer, initiator, producer and trumpeter: Maite Hontelé.

Art Blakey once said: “jazz has to be danceable and has to have the blues”. Dancing and the blues is a podcast about jazz. Jazz musicians Ben van den Dungen, Tom Ridderbeekx and Thijs Nissen, receive colourful guests where strong stories, probing conversations and a good dose of swinging music prevail. A look behind the scenes of the fine fleur of the (inter)national jazz top with live performances from our studio!

Dancing and the blues can be heard on all known podcast platforms. Subscribe soon and leave a good rating. Want to know more? Then check out dansenendeblues.nl and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @dansenendeblues.

Produced & presented by:
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