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Contemporary Music

wed 7 sep 2022 20:00 hour
Composer: Carl Vine

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers: Carl Vine.

Carl Vine is an Australian composer with an impressive track record, from music for the Olympic Games to symphonies and chamber music. On this broadcast we feature a number of his newer works that have recently premiered: Concerto for Orchestra, V, Microsymphony and Smith’s Alchemy. Vine has been Senior Lecturer in Composition at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music since 2014.



CD Pendulum – ABC Classics ABCL0021

1.     Carl Vine – Concerto for Orchestra

2.     Carl Vine – V

3.     Carl Vine – Microsymphony

4.     Carl Vine – Smith’s Alchemy

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra led by Sir Andrew Davis


Produced by:
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