Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

Music by Dutch composers or performers.

A musical evening as it might have sounded in Felix Meritis’ concert hall in Amsterdam. It is a colourful succession of sung and instrumental works by contemporaries of the visitors at the time. This type of programming was common until well into the nineteenth century. You will be listening to works by Neubauer, Gossec, Sacchini, Massonneau, Schuster and Cherubini [pictured].

1. Franz Christoph Neubauer (1750-1795). Symphony ‘La Bataille’, opus 11: parts 1 & 4.
Lukas Consort conducted by Viktor Lukas.

2. François-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829). Chant patriotique ‘Citoyens dout Rome’.
Gérard Chouquer, tenor. Groupe Vocal Emergence.
Pascal Bonnier, piano. Michel Chapuis, organ. 

3. François-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829). Grande Symphonie, opus 8 no. 2.
L’Orchestre de Bretagne conducted by Stephan Sanderling. 

4. Louis Massonneau (1766-1848).
Quartet for oboe, violin, viola and cello no. 1 in F major: parts 1 & 3.
Paul Goodwin, oboe. Terzetto.

5. Joseph Schuster (1748-1812). Aria from the opera ‘Esther’: ‘Sponsae carae supplicanti’.
Susanna Armani, soprano. Aldo Orieto, piano.

6. Antonio Maria Gasparo Gioacchino Sacchini (1730-1786).
From the opera ‘
Renaud’: duo & ouverture.
Les Chantres du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles conducted by Christophe Roussel. 

7. Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842) [pictured]. Ouverture ‘Lodoïska’.
Orchestra della RAI conducted by Oliviero de Fabritiis.


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