An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 21 dec 2021 19:00 hour


Have you ever listened to music by Robert Kanh? Probably not. He was born in 1865 as a talented son to incredibly wealthy Jewish parents. At a young age he was already quite successful with his compositions. He was admired by Clara Schumann,Joseph Joachim, and Brahms. He taught Arthur Rubinstein and Wilhelm Kempf. When the Nazis prohibited his music, he fled to England in 1939. There he composed a lot of music in the late romantic style. After he passed away in 1951 his music faded into obscurity.


Robert Kahn: From 3 Stücke für Cello und Klavier op. 25: no. 1 Romanze

Gemma Rosefield, cello

Danny Driver, piano


Robert Kahn: form the ‘Jeanne Suite’ (1943) no. 475 in G major: Vivace

Danny Driver, piano


Robert Kahn: Violin sonata no. 1 in G minor op. 5

Julia Bushkova, violin

Arsentiy Kharitonov, piano


Robert Kahn: Quintet in C minor op. 54

Danny Driver, piano

Emily Sun, violin

Ingrid Pearson, clarinet

Flora Bain, horn

Gemma Rosefield, cello

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