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Disco Volante

The musical heritage of Italy is very broad, strong and ancient, like the traditions of its many cities, regions, mountains and islands. Today’s music is as much alive, dynamic and extremely varied. So our journey through space and time in Italy will continue in the coming months. Always with the best quality of music on offer.

Episode 44: Mike Patton’s Mondo Cane


  1. Il cielo in una stanza (Gino Paoli) 3:55
  2. Che notte! (Fred Buscaglione, Leo Chiosso) 3:18
  3. Ore d’amore (Herbert Rehbein, Bert Kaempfert, Carl Sigman – Franco Migliacci) 2:52
  4. Deep Down (Ennio Morricone, Audrey Nohra Stainton) 3:21
  5. Quello che conta (Ennio Morricone, Luciano Salce) 4:03
  6. Urlo Negro (Leo Ceroni, Angelo Galletti) 2:49
  7. Scalinatella (Enzo Bonagura, Giuseppe Cioffi) 3:15
  8. L’uomo che non sapeva amare (Elmer Bernstein – Mogol, Vito Pallavicini) 3:17
  9. 20 km al giorno (Mogol, Nicola Arigliano, Pino Massara) 2:55
  10. Ti offro da bere (Gianni Meccia, Gianni Morandi) 2:27
  11. Senza fine (Gino Paoli) 4:37

Album :Mike Patton, Mondo Cane, (Ipecac, 2010)

  1. Legata ad un granello di sabbia (Nico Fidenco, Gianni Marchetti) live recording at the Paradiso / Holland Festival 5:11
  2. Pinne, fucile ed occhiali (Carlo Rossi, Edoardo Vianello) live recording at the Paradiso / Holland Festival 2:53
  3. Canzone (Detto Mariano, Don Backy) live recording at the Paradiso / Holland Festival 5:11
  4. Dio, come ti amo (Domenico Modugno) live recording at the Paradiso / Holland Festival 4:15
  5. Yeeeh! (Pam Sawyer, Laurie Burtin – Mal) live recording at the Paradiso / Holland Festival 3:16

Mike Patton Mondo Cane live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam / Holland Festival 2008

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