Opera in the 20th century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Opera in the 20th century

The history of twentieth and twenty-first century opera. 2015A.

2015: All is going well in the world of opera, in spite of the euro crisis. Many new productions are set up, beautiful works are composed, and there’s a lot of variation. Today, we hear American and Italian work.

In this episode, fragments from:

Marco Tutino ( picture )- Le Braci

Jennifer Higdon- Cold Mountain

Jake Heggie-Great Scott


More opera and operetta productions from 2015:

Jimmy Lopez-Bel Canto

Gordon Getty- The Canterville Ghosts

Giorgio Battistelli- CO2

Elena Kats-Chemin- The Divorce

Charlotte Bray- Entanglement

Joby Talbot- Everest

Meng Weidong- Fang Zhimin

Roman Grygoriv/Illia Razumeiko- IYOB

Mihai Valcu- Katharina von Bora

Donnacha Dennehy- The Last Hotel

Georg Friedrich Haas- Morgen und Abend

Ricky Gordon- Morning Star

Hans Geford-Notorious
Gregory Spears- O Colombia
Mauricio Sotelo- The Public
Kate Miller-Heidke- The Rabbits
Derrick Wang- Scalia vs. Ginsburg
Péter Eötvös – Senza sangue
Jin Xiang- Sunrise (日出)

Daron Hagen- A Women in Morocco

Louis Andriessen- Theatre of the World

Jacob Lenz- Wolfgang Rihm

Pascal Dusapin- Penthesilea

Produced by:
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