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Concertzender Live

Today: live recordings by Concertzender of twentieth and twenty-first century music .

Tonight, you hear several twentieth-century composers. We conclude the programme with Messiaen’s Le Merle Noir.



  1. Florian van der Reijden (1997), Het Woud (2009)
    DoelenEnsemble conducted by Arie van Beek
  2. Alejandro Matamala (1972), The magpie on the gallows (2010)
    DoelenEnsemble conducted by Arie van Beek
  3. Friso van Wijck, Nevermore is forever (2010)
    DoelenEnsemble conducted by Arie van Beek
  4. Miranda Driessen (1969), Jacob’s ever-failing attempt to reassemble the ladder (2010)
    DoelenEnsemble conducted by Arie van Beek
  5. Florian Maier (1973), Hatching souls (2007)
    DoelenEnsemble conducted by Arie van Beek
  6. György Kurtág, Tre Pezzi (1996)
    Jenny Spanoghe, violin, Geert Callaert, piano
  7. Fred Momotenko, Eneato (2002)
    Jenny Spanoghe, violin
  8. Henryk Gorecki, Sonata for 2 Violins, part 1 (1957)
    Rolin van Opstal, Roos van Well: violin
  9. Olivier Messiaen, Le merle noir (1952)
    Ingrid Geerlings, flute, Katharina Dowling, piano
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