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Missa etcetera

Western religious music from different centuries. A Mass of Francisco Guerrero from the 16th century and a psalm arrangement of Claudio Monteverdi from early 17th century. In between, we hear a Sonata da chiesa of Carlo Ambrogio Lonati and an instrumental version of ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’.

Francisco Guerrero (1528/1529-1599)
1. Missa Super flumina Babylonis
– Kyrie
– Gloria
– Credo
– Ofrenda: Super ilumina Babilonias
– Sanctus
– Benedictus
– Agnus Dei
Performing musicians: Ensembles Plus Ultra, Schola Antiqua and His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts conducted by Michael Noone
(CD label Glossa no. GCD 922005)

Carlo Ambrogio Lonati (ca 1645-ca 1712)
2. Sonata da chiesa No.2 in G minor (Salzburg 1701)
Performing musicians: Ars Antiqua Austria conducted by Gunar Letzbor, violin
(CD Pan Classics no. PC10387)

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
3. Psalm 110 ‘Confitebor tibi Domine’
Performing musicians: Julie Roset, soprano. Ensemble Clematis conducted by Stéphanie de Failly & Brice Sailly (CD Ricercar no. RIC415)

Heinrich Scheidemann (ca 1595-1663)
4. ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’ (instrumental version)
Performing artists: Stéphanie de Failly & Amandine Solano, violin. Ellie Nimeroski, viola. Mathurin Matharel, violone
(CD Ricercar no. RIC415)

Francisco Guerrero (1528/1529-1599)
5. ‘Adiós mi amor’
His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts conducted by Michael Noone
(CD label Glossa no. GCD 922005)

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