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sun 14 jun 2020 19:00 hour

A musical serial. Episode 197: Harmonic Ratio

0. Sensenta Intro #12
1. Panic Girl – Himalayan Tea
2. Vessel – Kerna
3. Bola – Heirarerr / Effanajor
4. Plaid – Hydrosphere / Two Rooms
5. Pantha du Prince & Bell Laboratory – Particle
6. Brian Eno – Fixed Ratio Harmonic Bells / Four Tet – Swimmer (vertraagd)
7. Plaid – Rakimou

Panic Girl: Cake on Jupiter, 2019, ModularField
Vessel: Expanding Records Sampler One, 2006, Expanding Records
Bola: Gnayse, 2006, Skam
Plaid: Heaven’s Door Soundtrack, 2008, Beat Records
Pantha du Prince & Bell Laboratory: Elements of Light, 2013, Rough Trade
Brian Eno: January 07003, 2003, Opal Records
Four Tet: Ringer, 2008, Domino
Plaid: Not For Threes, 1997, Warp Records

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