Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

Works by Carl Czerny, Joseph Martin Kraus, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joachim Raff, Jan van Gilse, Tristan Keuris, Morton Gould, Igor Stravinsky, Michael Thomas.

 07:01 Piano Sonata no. 7 in E, Op. 143

Carl Czerny
Martin Jones, piano

 07:27 Cantata for vocals and orchestra ‘Komm din herdestaf att bära’, VB 15

Joseph Martin Kraus
Ada Gunnars, soprano; Herman Iturralde, bass; Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra led by Helmut Wolf

 07:37 Zwei Sätze zu einem Te Deum, for choir and orchestra

Joseph Martin Kraus
Philharmonia Chor Stuttgart. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra led by Helmut Wolf

 07:46 7 Variations on ‘Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen’ from Die Zauberflöte van Mozart, WoO46

Ludwig van Beethoven
France Springuel, cello; Jan Vermeulen, fortepiano

 07:56 Sonata in F, Op. 17 (arranged from horn sonata)

Ludwig van Beethoven
France Springuel, cello; Jan Vermeulen, fortepiano

 08:12 Suite for piano and orchestra, Op. 200

Joachim Raff
Tra Nguyen, piano; Norrland Opera Symphony Orchestra led by Roland Kluttig

 08:51 Thijl – Treurmuziek bij den dood van Uilenspiegel

Jan van Gilse
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Bernard Haitink

 09:05 Music for Saxophones, 1986

Tristan Keuris
Aurelia Saxophone Quartet

 09:24 Derivations (for clarinet and jazz orchestra)

Morton Gould
Freddy Arteel, clarinet; BRT Jazz Orchestra led by Frédéric Devreese

 09:41 Three Pieces for String Quartet

Igor Stravinsky
Brodsky Quartet

 09:49 Variations on a theme by Banjo Patterson (Waltzing Matilda)

Michael Thomas
Brodsky Quartet

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