World Minerals | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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World Minerals

fri 29 mar 2019 22:00 hour
Composer: Traditional

World music, compiled by Pieter de Rooij and Carolien Cleiren.

This World Minerals is a special around the British musician Phillip Henry. He is virtuous on the National steel guitar, the dobro, the Weissenborn and the chatturangui, solely string instruments that need to be played with a slide (a small tube of glass or in this case metal). Maestro Jerry Douglas, the American greatness on the dobro, could become jealous… A second instrument which Henry masters like no other is the harmonica. There are more virtuous harmonica players, but Henry is able to play it and combine it with singing and human beatboxing. Hearing is believing…. In 2018 a theme album was released, True North, on which Henry produces a sample card of the beforementioned slide instruments. Also remarkable: most of the time a slide is connected to American roots, but Henry proves that limitations are to be avoided. He plays a British traditional or an Irish piece of work by the blind harp player O’Carolan as easy as a Blues or country sound; or a piece of work of his own, which is based on Indian traditional music. He studied chatturangui for a while in India with grandmaster Debashish Bhattacharya.

Since the beginning of this decade he forms a duet with Hannah Martin (violin, banjo, tenor guitar, shrutibox and vocals) called Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin. They have recently changed this name into Edgelarks. In announcements they were called Phillip Martin and Hannah Henry just as easily as Martin Phillip and Hannah Henry… In this special we will broadcast for one half solo work by Philip Henry and for the other half duo material, selected from a CD collection that, in the meantime, can fill both hands. In November this year this collection is expanded with a new Edgelarks disc, which will be presented during a tour through the Netherlands.

    1. Phillip Henry – About time, The lemongrove tree (trad. arr Henry) 4.29
    2. Phillip Henry – Live in the Living Room, Lagan Love-Banish Misfortune (trad arr. Henry) 4.37
    3. Phillip Henry – Live in the Living Room, Green Boots (Henry) 6.46
    4. Phillip Henry – Live in the Living Room, Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning (trad arr. Henry) 5.35
    5. Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin – Singing the Bones, The boy that wouldn’t hoe corn (trad arr. Henry-Martin) 5.43
    6. Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin – Mynd (Dragonfly Records DRCD001), Silbury Hill (Martin, Henry – Martin) 4.25
    7. Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin – Mynd (Dragonfly records DRCD001), Song for Caroline Herschel (Martin, Henry-Martin) 5.18
    8. Edgelarks – Edgelarks (Dragonfly Records DRCD004), Yarl’s Wood (Martin, Henry & Martin) 3.44
    9. Phillip Henry – True North (Dragonfly Records DRCD005), O Carolan’s welcome (O’Carolan) 3.46
    10. Phillip Henry – True North (Dragonfly Records DRCD005), Kalyan variations (Henry) 5.35
    11. Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin – Mynd – (Dragonfly Records DRCD001), The Nailmaker’s Strike pt2 (Trad arr. Henry-Martin) 5.25
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