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Meditating on contemporary music.

Today Kairos opens with the song ‘Baby’ by Donna Blue. At first it sounds like something completely carefree and forgettable from the ’60. But below the surface…Chantal Acda and Bill Frisell let you hear the essence without the fuss. You also hear new music from the album Fieldz by Pieter Nooten and the album ‘Prologue’ by Pieter de Graaf. And if you stick to Kairos you’ll more of both Pieters! And if you continue listening you can enjoy the music you’re used to from Kairos. Each tune carries the essence of the previous tunes in them and like that gives character to the next tune.


00:12  Donna Blue. Baby (single). Snowstar Records.

01:49   Peter Andersson. The spirit will not share the guilt (fragment). Raison d’être. Album ‘The Stains of the Embodied Sacrifice. Cold Meat Indusry CMI 202.

04:36  Sten Erland Hermundstad. The unknown song. Album ‘The minimal piano Series Vol I’. Blue Spiral Records BSR 015.

07:36  Pieter Nooten. Fieldz. Album ‘Stem’. Rocket Girl RGIRL115.

13:44  Harald Genzmer. Notturno from ‘Trio für Flöte, Viola und Harfe’. Trio Leandro. Album ‘Trio Leandro’. NCA/Debut 60158-207.

17:55  Ryan Karazija. Gosia. Low Roar. Album ‘Once in a long, long while’. Nevado Records 823674059620.

21:55  Pieter de Graaf. City 40. Album ’Prologue’. DGR Music.

23:40  Richard Bolhuis. Weaving Choir. House of Cosy Cushions. Album ‘Underground bliss’. Outcast Cats.

25:38  Gilbert Isbin. Amber. Stathis Skandaldis, lute. Album ‘Stathis Skandalidis plays Gilbert Isbin’. Tern Records, Tern 007.

29:07  Chantal Acda & Bill Frisell. Our Memories. Album ‘Live at Jazz Middelheim’. Glitterhouse GR 945CD.

33:08  Pieter Nooten. Variation in F# Minor. Album ‘Stem’. Rocket Girl RGIRL115.

38:22  Stephan Wöhrmann & Oliver Doerell. Gemein. SWOD. Album ’Drei’. Towerblock CD 049.

39:41  Michael Pisaro. Silent Cloud. Album ‘Tombstones’. Human Ear Music HEMK 0026.

45:51  Morten Lauridsen. She tells her love while half asleep, from ‘Mid-Winter Songs’. Polyphony / Jaqueline Shave / Britten Sinfonia / Stephen Layton. Album: ‘Lauridsen Choral Works’. Hypérion CDA67580.

49:53  Ben Lukas Boysen. The Veil. Album ‘Spells’. Erased tapes Records ERATP085CD.

55:34  Yom & Wang Li. The dream of a tree (fragment). Album ‘Green Apocalypse’. Buda Musique 860220


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