American Highways | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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American Highways

fri 25 aug 2017 18:00 hour


Music of Volcanos and Mountains: Sometimes the earth is restless beneath our feet – this episode of American Highways (#87), as part of our Landscapes Series, is entitled Restless Ground.

Tonight, pianist Guy Livingston brings us two major works of Alan Hovhaness, a song by The Razorbacks, some Hawaiin volcano music for guitars, and a song by Navajo artist Louie Gonnie.


Theme Music :
Jan Jeroen (J.J.) Spijkervet & Immersive Sound
“American Highways” Jingle
Sounds About Right
composed for Concertzender

Volcano Beach
Waikiki Hawaiian Guitars
Power Records – Apple Honey DS 415

Alan Hovhaness
Symphony #50 – Mount St. Helens (opus 360)
1. Andante
2. Spirit Lake
3. Volcano
Seattle Symphony, conducted by Gerard Schwarz
Delos ‎– DE 3137

Duda & Bundy
Restless for the Road
The Razorbacks
Fury Records ‎– FCD 3061

Alan Hovhaness
3 Pieces for 2 Pianos (1946-1962)
1. Mihr
2. Ku-Ola-U
3. Vijag
Martin Berkofsky & Konstantin Krimets
Black Box BBM 1103

Louie Gonnie, arr.
With the Flames
Louie Gonnie
Canyon Records / Distribution 13- 376446



Produced & presented by:
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