Opera in the 20th century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Opera in the 20th century

The history of twenty-first century opera: #1928.

The year in which Charles Lindbergh was awarded the Medal of Honor for his first transatlantic flight and the year the Olympics took place in Amsterdam, was a quiet year in the opera world.

The development from classicism and Romanticism to twelve-tone opera didn’t just simply happen in a linear motion. Milhaud’s famous opera trilogy premiered in 1928, but as a composer one could consider him the most conservative of The Group of Six, and thus a moderate modernist. The orchestras did became smaller, which created a different atmosphere.

In this episode selections from:

• Darius Milhaud- L’Abandon d’Ariane
• Emmerich Kálmán- Die Herzogin von Chicago
• Ernst Krenek- Schwergewicht
• Harry Lawrence Freeman- Voodoo
• Franz Léhar- ‘Frederike’

Other opera and operettas from 1928:

• Darius Milhaud- Christophe Colomb
• Henri Christiné- Arthur
• Franz Léhar- Frühlingsmädel
• Ildebrando Pizetti- Fra Gherardo
• Ralph Vaughan-Williams- Sir John in Love
• Gian Francesco Malipiero- Filomela e l’infatuato
• Rudolf Friml- The Three Muketeers
• Eugen d’Albert- Die schwarze Orchidee
• Albert Szirmai- Éva grófnő
• Siegfried Wagner-Wahnopfer
• Siegfried Wagner- Walamund
• Franz Schreker- Der singende Teufel
• Richard Strauss- Die ägyptische Helena
• André Messager- Coups de roulis
• Sigmund Romberg- The New Moon
• Kurt Weill- Die Dreigroschenoper
• Kurt Weill- Der Zar lässt sich photographieren
• Charles Wakefield Cadman- The Belle of Havana
• Ernst Krenek- Der Diktator
• Ernst Krenek- Das geheime Königreich
• Paul Abraham- Zenebona
• Paul Abraham- Az utolsó Verebély lány
• Ernst Toch- Egon und Emilie
• Bohuslav Martinů- Larmes de couteau (Tears of the Knife)
• Michael Tippett- The Village Opera
• Virgil Thomon- Four Saints




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