Panorama De Leeuw | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Panorama De Leeuw

Thea Derks is following the musical career of Reinbert de Leeuw.

Panorama de Leeuw IXXX, 5 April 2017: Ustvolskaya & Sjostakovitsj.

Today, the twenty-ninth episode of ‘Panorama de Leeuw’, a programme by Thea Derks at the Concertzender, inspired by her biography Reinbert de Leeuw, mens of melodie.

Last time, we looked at the Russian composer Reinbert discovered during the Holland Festival of 1989. He was mostly moved by the music of Galina Ustvolskaya and Sofia Gubaidulina, with whom he developed a strong bond.

Both these ladies owe a lot to Shostakovich, who even taught Ustvolskaya herself.

Today, an early composition by Ustvolskaya and later work of Shostakovich.

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1. Galina Ustvolskaya [see photo]. Concert for piano and orchestra.
Alexei Lubimov, piano. Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw.

2. Dmitri Shostakovich. Suite for double bass and orchestra, op.145a, “Suite after poems by Michelangelo Buonarroti”.
Richard Holl, double bass. Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Reinbert de Leeuw.

Compilation, host and recording: Thea Derks

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