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World Minerals

fri 17 apr 2009 18:00 hour

Turkish Minerals.

Divided over two continents by the Bosporus,Turkey has been the crossroad of cultures from time immemorial. Turkish music has influences from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Later on western influences were added, also because of the large amount of migrants that settled all across Europe. In this episode you will hear it all, in Turkish pop, rap, balkan, blues, dance and more.
1. Sezen Aksu. O Sensin. ((Pakize Banşa, Sezen Aksu / Goran Bregoviç) 3’50
CD: The Rough Guide to Turkish Café (2008) World Music Network RGNET1215PR
2. Orient Expressions. Faniler (Cem Yildiz) 4’15
CD: Record of Broken Hearts (2008). Pozitif Records/Doublemoon DM 0046
3. Selim Sesler. Kasap Havasi 4’52 
CD: Anatolian Wedding (2006) Doublemoon Records/Pozitif Muzik promo cd
4. Kolektif. Ramizem  4’13
CD: Balkanatolia (2005) Baykus Müzik BY0001
5. Istanbul Blues Kumpanyasi.Fourty Four (Little Brother Montgomery) 3’46
CD: Sair Zamanlar (1999) Pozitif Müzik/ Doublemoon DM0005
6. Bendeniz. Kirmizi Biber (Aysel Gürel, Bendeniz) 3’36
CD: Turkish Groove (2006) Putumayo PUT 248-2
7. KolektifIstanbul. Makedonska 3’54
CD: Krivoto (2008) Pozitif Records promo cd
8. Sultan Tunç. Bir Yol Hikayesi, feat. Selda Bagcan 4:11
CD: Crossing Continents (2006) Doublemoon promo cd
9. Ayhan Sicimoglu. Reggaeturkaton. (Ayhan Sicimoglu) 6’26
CD: Friends & Family (2006) Doublemoon/Pozitif Müzik Yapim promo cd
10. Baba Zula & Mad Professor.  Zerrin Öz’ün odasina girdim 2’17
CD: Ruhani Oyun Havalari (2003) Doublemoon promo cd
11. Mercan Dede. Napas  4’23
CD: Crossing continents (2006) Doublemoon promo cd 
12. Burhan Öcal & The Trakya All Stars.  Kara Cali (anoniem) 4’00
CD: Trakya Dance Party (2006)  Doublemoon DM 
13. Shantel Vs. Baba Zula. Kisaltmalar Remix 4’20
CD: Crossing Continents (2006)  Doublemoon promo cd
14. Ayşe Sicimoğlu & Ayhan Sicimoğlu. Istanbul Pas Constantinople 4’31
CD: Doublemoon Women (2008)  Doublemoon promo cd

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