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sat 21 feb 2009 13:00 hour

Russia. Igor Stravinsky #5.
A series with Russian music from the 20th century.
Today the final part with music by Igor Stravinsky. You will hear The Flood from 1962, a number of songs by Cathy Berberian and others and we conclude with the wonderfully beautiful Philips recording of the Sacre du Printemps by the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bernard Haitink.

Igor Stravinsky.
1. The Food (1961-62).
New London Chamber Choir. London Sinfonietta conducted by Oliver Knussen.
Deutsche Grammophon 447 068
2. Faun and shepherdess (1906).
Mary Simmons, soprano. CBC Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
3. Three little songs (1913).
4. Pribaoutki (1914).
5. Cat’s cradle songs (1915-16).
Cathy Berberian, mezzo-soprano. Columbia Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
6. Three songs from William Shakespeare (1953).
Cathy Berberian, mezzo-soprano. Columbia Chamber Ensemble conducted by Igor Stravinsky.
7. Elegy for J.F.K. (1964).
Cathy Berberian, mezzo-soprano. Paul E. Howland, Jack Kreiselman, Charles Russo, clarinet.
Sony Classic. SK 45843
8. Le sacre du printemps. (1913).
London Philharmonic Orchestra
conducted by Bernard Haitink.
Philips Classics 420 491

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