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Vision or Fantasy in Antiqua versus Nova

sun 12 jan 2014
Theme: Early Music

In Antiqua versus Nova on Monday 13 January (11.00 – 13.00), the Vision is set against the Fantasy, or more specifically the Song of the Sibyl is set against the Stylus Phantasticus.


Fantasie en Profetesse

The ‘Stylus Phantasticus’ is an adventurous 17th century music style that is characterised by quirky and imaginative musical visions. The origins of this music are probably in Italy, which is also the source of the Song of the Sibyl: a prophetic song that foretells of the end of the world. This is a song that was intended to be sung by the Sibyl, the female oracle who could be found in a cave in Cuma.


In this episode of Antiqua versus Nova, the Stylus Phantasticus is heard in music from Buxtehude, played by The New Consort (Mariëtte Holtrop, violin, Naomi Hirschfeld, viola da gamba and Reitze Smitz, harpsichord).

The Song of the Sibyl is performed by no-one less than the soprano Montserrat Figueras together with La Capella Reial conducted by Jordi Savall.



  • Sunday 5 January 2014, 15.00 – 17.00
  • Monday 13 January 2014, 11.00 – 13.00


Click here for the complete playlist