Bach ad Infinitum on Friday 1 March at 13;00 CET features a special arrangement of a Bach motet. It is a reconstruction of an orchestral version that may have been written by Mozart.
Mozart was visiting Leipzig in 1789. The Bach motet ‘Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied’, BWV 225, was performed especially for him by the Thomaskoor which was at that time led by Thomaskantor Doles. Mozart was so impressed by what he heard that he asked for a copy of the score. In his opinion it was missing an orchestral accompaniment, which he said he was going to write for it. However, it is unknown whether Mozart ever actually did this.
On the occasion of 300 years of Bach in Leipzig, the Bach Archives Leipzig commissioned the harpsichordist Thomas Leininger to compose the orchestral part that Mozart was to write. It was subsequently performed as part of the opening concert of the Bachfest 2023. This concert was broadcast live on a number of cultural channels in Germany.
Bach ad Infinitum came across this arrangement of BWV 225 and, together with Thomas Leininger, we have finally managed to obtain permission from the Bach Archives, the Thomanerchores and the Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig to again broadcast this concert. Thomas Leininger and all the musicians involved think this is fantastic.
The Bach Archives calls the work: ‘Geistliche Sinfonie „Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied“ für Soli, Doppelchor und Orchester auf Basis der Motette von Johann Sebastian Bach’.
- Friday 1 March 2024, 13.00 – 14.00 CET
- Friday 8 March 2024, 13.00 – 14.00 CET
Click here for the playlist.
Photo: Thomas Leininger (source: thomasleininger.de)