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World Minerals

sat 14 apr 2007 09:02 hour

In this hour, two major musicians from India: singer Kaushiki Chakrabarty and sitar player Purbayan Chatterjee.

Already on a young age, their musical development was extraordinary advanced. In April and May, they are performing in the Netherlands. At this moment, the 26-year old singer Kaushiki Chakrabarty is on a tour in our country. Tomorrow afternoon, she gives a concert at the Tropeninstituut in Amsterdam. When she was 24, she won the prestigious BBC World Music Award with her album ‘Pure’. Her vocal performances exceeded all expectations up to now. She possibly will be the Indian voice of the 21th century.  kaushiki5publish-skopie.jpgIn this episode, she is in top form and will perform the evening raga ‘Shuddh Kalyan’, from her album ‘Swar Sadhna’ from 2003.
In May, the 29-years old sitar player Purbayan Chatterjee will come to our country. His fervent and technically brilliant playing calls up associations with the great sitar legend Nikhil Bhanerjee, his big idol. In this hour, Purbayan Chatterjee plays the morning raga ‘Jaunpuri’.

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