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sat 23 feb 2008 09:02 hour

A look into the Arabic pop scene.

Do you remember Hits from the Caïro-Beiroet pop scene in the year 2006? Now we are already in the year 2008. Time to take another look at the current Arabic pop scene. Giant Rotana brings in more and more artists. The songs are often ready to use (composition, production, distribution, promotion and videoclips that are broadcasted at Rotana TV and radio channels). Pop music has developed its own formula that has little to do with traditional oriental music. Still, the ‘oriental feeling’ is safeguarded by the use of oriental rhythms (from folk and dance music) and traditional instruments. The disadvantage of the formula is that many songs may sound the same, but big stars are still involved in making their music. It doesn’t matter where the artist is from, the market decides that the lyrics usually are written in a Egyptian or Lebanese dialect. Nevertheless Kazem El-Saher (Iraq) remains to sing classical poetry from Egypt and the Gulf states remain to enrich their own scene. Amr Diab still reaches the first place in the charts with his albums with the latest western pop innovations. The Ladies Nancy Ajram, Elissa and Sherine also have a place in the top, each with their own style and image. Videoclips play a bigger role than ever in making hits. Many of the hits we play in Wereldmineralen have a prestigious videoclip. Take a look for yourself on Youtube! We will listen to: Amr Diab, Sherine (Egypt) Elissa; Najwa Karam; Fares Karam (Lebanon) en Hasna (Morocco).
Titel: Ahla Haga Fiki
Album: Kheles El Kalam
Performing artist: Mohamed Hamaki
Label & labelnr: Delta Sound –nr onbekend
Titel: Nee’oul eeh ?
Album: El-Leila di
Performing artist: Amr Diab 
Composer: Amr Mustafa 
Label & labelnr: Rotana – nr. onbekend
Titel: Ayami Beek 
Album: Ayami Beek
Performing artist: Elissa
Composer: Tamer Ali
Label & labelnr: Rotana – unknown
Titel: Ragee Te’saal Ameen ?
Album:  Haida Haki
Performing artist: Najwa Karam
Label & labelnr: Rotana –unknown
Titel: Hoba Walla 
Album: Albi BeKHatar
Performing artist: Hasna
Composer: Tamer Ashour
Label & labelnr: Rotana –unknown
Titel: El-Tannora
Album: We’adini
Performing artist: Fares karam
Label & labelnr:         Rotana –unknown
Titel:  Khetyar Al-Ekkaza
Album: Neswanji
Performing artist: Fares karam
Label & labelnr: Rotana –unknown
Titel: Ghayeb Anni
Album: Ghayeb Anni
Performing artist: Khaled Selim
Label & labelnr: Mazzika/Alam El- phan –CD 703
Titel: Kont Bafakkar
Album: Ghayeb Anni
Performing artist: Khaled Selim
Label & labelnr: Mazzika/Alam El- phan –CD 703
Titel: Ya Bent El-eeh
Album:  Ya Bent El-eeh
Performing artist: Tamer Husni
Composer: Tamer Husni
Label & labelnr: Free Music –unknown
Titel: El-Kalam dah
Album: Keteer Bene’shaq
Performing artist: Sherine    
Label & labelnr: Free Music –unknown
Titel: El-Dunia Helwa
Album: El-Dunia Helwa
Performing artist: Nancy Ajram
Label & labelnr: O Music –unknown
Titel: Hayda Haki
Album: Haida Haki
Performing artist: Najwa KaramLabel & labelnr: Rotana –unknown
Titel: Khetyar Al-Ekkaza music
Album: Neswanji
Performing artist: Fares karam
Label & labelnr: Rotana –unknown

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