Oriënt Express | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Oriënt Express

sat 1 dec 2007 07:02 hour

A series about the masters of the Egyptian classical music. In this fifth episode attention for 2 composers: Sayed Darwish (Alexandrië 1892-1923) and Mohammad Abdel-Wahab (Caïro 1904?-1991).

In his short career as a singer and composer Sayed Darwish has left behind timeless songs to Egypt. It were the simple songs that over time got the status of national anthems. Nowadays they are still popular in Egypt and the whole Arabic world. Darwish got known for his social and political relevant work. He formed a duo with poet Badee Khairi and together they wrote several musical theatre pieces. Musical theatre was influenced by the west and very much loved in the Egyptian 1920s. Darwish was the first who directly mixed western instruments and influences with the traditional Egyptian music. Mohammad Abdel–Wahab continued this and contributed to the naturalization of the use of western instruments and musical techniques. This development was very controversial at the time.
Playlist : 
-Sayed Darwish several pieces executed by Sayed Darwish, Karim Mahmoud and Souad Mohammad, 24’00 
 Mohammad Abdel-Wahab: several songs executed by Mohammad Abdel Wahab (recordings between 1925 – 1935), 49’00
– dor Dayya’t Mustaqbal Hayati (modus Bayyati Shuri) and different muwashahat executed by Beirut Oriental Ensemble led by ud-player Charbel Rouhana, with vocals by Ghada Shbeir, Rima Khsheish and Golbert Rahbani, 47’00

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