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fri 26 sep 2008 13:00 hour
Genre: Afrobeat

“Mariama”, a programme with African music. Mansa Camino.

Mansa Camio is one of the grand percussion masters of Guinea. He lives in his native area, the village Baro, that is situated on the border of Gberedou (what means Dry Land) and Hamanah. This area lies in the hearth of the already 500-year old Malinke dance tradition in which is played on 3 bass drums, bells and djembe’s. In this hour a selection of four CD’s by Mansa Camio. Supplemented with live recordings that were made on Queens Day in Delft, where he performed with a special group, existing of Abdoulaye Camio, Bintou Kouyaté and Thomas Bonekamp on bass drumms and Jaco Benders and Fanti O’Bryan on djembé.
CD An bada soföli (2006) Mansa Camio. Middle Path Media MPM 001
1. Bandodjéi(Traditional)
CD Senedunun (2006) Mansa Camio & Sofoli. Middle Path Media MPM 002
2. ´Nkoké´ (traditional)
CD Tama Diada & Anbada Sofoli de ReutlingenMansa Camio, Own account (Germany, Reutlingen)
3. ´Nunakabolo´ (Traditional)
CD N’Koke (1998) Mansa Camio. Tinaka CD 981
4. ´Kon – Takosaba -Bolokonondo – G’bada´ 
Delft Koninginnedag 2008 Mansa Camio, Own recording Rolf Sinnema
5. ´Lafè.´ 
6. `Gidamba´

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