Gregory’s dove | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Gregory’s dove

fri 2 jan 2009 17:00 hour

Gregorian music for the martyr Saint Thomas Becket.

1. The so-called ‘unfinished’ vespers:  Deus in adjutorium; Antiphon Tecum principium + Ps. 109; Antiphon Redemptionem + Ps. 110; Antiphon Exortum est + Ps. 111; Antiphon Apud Dominum + Ps. 129; Reading from Hebr. 1:1-2.
2. The lauds for the feast day of Thomas Becket (29 December): Deus in adjutorium; PS. 66; Antiphon Granum cadit + Ps. 92; Antiphon Totus orbis + Ps. 99; Antiphon Aqua + Ps. 62; Antiphon Ad Thoma + Canticle of the three youths; Antiphon Tu per Thome sanguinem + Ps. 148-150; Reading Eccl. 44:16-17; Responsorium Gloria et honore; Hymne Martir Dei; Antiphon Opem nobis + Benedictus; closing prayers.
Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge conducted by Mary Berry.

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