Domenico’s Garden | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Domenico’s Garden

thu 6 sep 2007 14:00 hour

Domenico Scarlatti on harpsichord and fortepiano. (The first episode, with Scarlatti on piano, aired on 29 August 2007)

1. D. Scarlatti.
Sonata K87, 89 & 208.
Pieter-Jan Belder, harpsichord. Remy Baudet, violin. Frank Wakelkamp, cello.
2. Charles Avison.
Concerto no.3 (after Scarlatti).
Cafe Zimmermann.
3. D. Scarlatti.
Sonatas K32, 517, 481, 93 & 291.
Aline Zylbrajch, fortepiano.
4. D. Scarlatti.
Sonatas K88, 263, 238 & 56.
Sergio Vartolo, harpsichord. Ugo Orlandi, mandolin.
5. Charles Avison.
Concerto no.11.
Cafe Zimmermann.
6. D. Scarlatti.
Sonatas K32, 517, 492, 490, 87, 423, 513 & 502.
Skipe Sempe & Olivier Fortin, harpsichord.

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