Recordings of concerts with early music. Two concert recordings of the Early Music Festival 2015: Eventalks with Vox Luminis and William Byrd by Scorpio Collectief.
A) Eventalks with Vox Luminis
Artist in residence Vox Luminis took daily care of the musical setting of the Eventalk with the best English music from the Renaissance and Baroque.
Thomas Tallis (ca.1505-1585)
1. O nata lux
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
2. O dive custos
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
3. The silver swan
Henry Purcell
4. How blessed are shepherds (from King Arthur)
5. Fairest isle (from King Arthur)
6. If love’s a sweet passion (from The Fairy Queen)
John Sheppard (ca.1515-1558)
7. In manus tuas
William Byrd
8. Ave verum
Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)
9. When David heard
John Sheppard
10. In pace
Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623)
11. As Vesta was
Richard Carlton (ca.1558-ca.1638)
12. Calm was the air
Ellis Gibbons (1573-1603)
13. Long live fair Oriana
Thomas Tallis
14. If ye love me
Henry Purcell
15. Hear my prayer
Thomas Tallis
16. O sacrum convivium
Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier
Recording: 29 Aug – 5 Sept 2015
Location: Hertz, TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht
Technique and Production: Wijnand de Groot

Simen Van Mechelen
B) William Byrd – Scorpio Collectief
Consort music, songs and madrigals by Byrd, Dowland and continental colleagues like Vecchi and Lassus.
17. The Queen’s masque
William Byrd (ca.1543-1623)
18. Ye sacred muses (lament on the death of Thomas Tallis)
John Dowland (1563-1623)
19. Come heavy sleep
William Byrd
20. Why do I use my paper, ink and pen (lament on the death of Edmund Campion)
Peter Philips (ca.1560-1628)
21. Pavan ‘dolorosa’
Christopher Tye (ca.1505-ca.1572)
22. In nomine ‘crye’
John Johnson (fl. 1579-1594)
23. The delight pavan
John Dowland
24. Lasso vita mia
John Coprario (ca.1570/80-1626)
25. Fantasia al folgorante sguardo
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605)
26. Gitene, canzonette
27. Saltavan ninfe, satiri e pastori
William Byrd
28. La verginella
John Dowland
29. Welcome black night
30. Pavan lacrime
William Byrd
31. Fair Britain isle
John Dowland
32. encore: Pavan lacrime
Scorpio Collectief: Reinoud Van Mechelen, tenor. Josué Meléndez, cornetto. Gawain Glenton, cornetto. Adam Woolfe, trombone. Tim Dowlin, trombone. Joost Swinkels, trombone. Thomas Boysen, lute. Simen Van Mechelen, trombone and conductor
Recording: 1 September 2015
Location: Geertekerk, Utrecht
Technique: Cees Sterrenburg
Production: Wijnand de Groot