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Child’s Play

wed 17 dec 2008 20:00 hour

Portrait of the ‘Spanish Mozart’: Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga (1806-1826). Part 2.

In the series Kinderspel (Child’s Play) programme maker Thijs Bonger goes in search again for work of young and very young composers.
This time an extensive life story of Arriaga, called ‘The Spanish Mozart". He died at the age of 19 in 1826, but left some beautiful pieces. For example an emotional symphony, for which Schubert wouldn’t be ashamed. And three beautiful string quartets, that he wrote on his seventeenth. The amount of talent and promise that died with him is horrible.
In a radio portrait of two times two hours you can listen to almost all music of him that has been released on CD. And even more.

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