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Missa etcetera

tue 24 may 2022 12:00 hour

Western religious music from different centuries.

The ‘Salve Regina’ is one of the four Marian antiphons. Because of its place in the liturgy, this text has been set to music countless times. On this broadcast, we will hear four arrangements by three Neapolitan baroque composers.

Leonardo Leo (1694-1744)
1. Salve Regina in F Major
ensemble &cetera led by Ulrike Hofbauer, soprano
(CD: “Sacred Works” – deutsche harmonia mundi 88875057442, 2016)

Nicola Antonio Porpora (1686-1768)
2. Salve Regina in G Major
Federica Napoletani, soprano. Ensemble Imaginaire led by Cristina Corrieri
(CD: “Salve Regina” – Brilliant Classics 96092, 2020)

Leonardo Leo
3. Salve Regina in C Minor
ensemble &cetera led by Ulrike Hofbauer, soprano
(CD: refer to part 1)

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736)
4. Salve Regina in G Minor
Federica Napoletani, soprano. Ensemble Imaginaire led by Cristina Corrieri
(CD: refer to part 2)

Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
5. [Allegro] in G Minor
Francesco Tasini, organ
(CD: “Opera omnia per tastiera Vol. V” – Tactus TC 661915)

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