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The Last Century

thu 12 may 2022 12:00 hour

Music by 20th-century composers.

The guitar in the 20th century, part II.

A monthly series featuring guitar music from the previous century. On each episode you will hear a guitar concert, and a piece dedicated to Spanish guitarist Andrés Segovia, who brought the classical guitar to the big stages. This episode is dedicated to guitar music from England.


– John W. Duarte. English suite. Andrés Segovia, (featured image) guitar.

– Benjamin Britten. Songs from the Chinese. Peter Pears, tenor. Julian Bream, guitar.

– Lennox Berkeley. Guitar Concerto. Craig Ogden, guitar. Northern Sinfonia led by Richard Hickox.

– William Walton. Five bagatelles. Carlos Bonell, guitar.

– Reginald Smith Brindle. El polifemo de oro, part 1 and 2. Tilman Hoppstock, guitar.


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