Wandering around Jewish music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Wandering around Jewish music

fri 22 apr 2022 05:00 hour

A program by Micha de Winter, episode 10, Lientje Brilleslijper or Lin Jaldati.
Singer of Yiddish songs Lin Jaldati (1912-1988), pseudonym of Rebekka Brilleslijper, was a Dutch-German-Jewish resistance fighter, survivor of the Shoah and one of the last people to see Anne Frank in person.


LP-Vinyl: Jiddische Lieder – Lin Jaldati. Label: Amiga (1982), code: 845198
* As der Rebe Elimelech
* Dem Milners trern
* Nisim fun Rabijim
* Hungerik dajn ketsele
* Rabosaj
* Schwartse karselech
* Im Kampf

LP-Vinyl: Hootenanny Mit Perry Friedman-2. Label: Amiga (1966), Code: 840041
* Der heimliche Aufmarsch – Lin Jaldati.

LP-Vinyl: Jiddische Lieder – Lin Jaldati. Label: Amiga (1982), code: 845198
* Schustere Weibelech
* Jome Jome
* Ojfn Bojdem
* Tsip tsapekl
* A Semerl
* Dort bajm breg fun weldl
* Es Brennt

LP-Vinyl:  Lin Jaldati – Singt. Label: Eterna (1966), code: 810024
* Motele
* Ist alles schon wieder vergessen
* Jüdisches Partisanenleid

Production: Cobie Ivens
Technician: Raph van den Driessen
Special thanks to: Netty Turkenburg

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