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Orient Express

wed 13 apr 2022 01:00 hour

Music from India by shehnai-maestro Ustad Ali Ahmad Hussain Khan.

Ali Ahmed Hussain Khan was born in Kolkata in 1939, member of a multi award winning musician family, his great talent as the best performer of the shehnai instrument is clearly audible on this album. The shehnai is a double reed wind instrument, close to the oboe family and dominating the notes of the album titled Serenity. Consisting of a wooden stick (in which 9 holes have been drilled, some of which can be sealed with wax for performing special raga) and a metal bell. Wherever the instrument is played, it is known as a “lucky charm”, and is therefore often used during important ceremonies and weddings. In order to better sustain the longest and fastest rag passages, it is not uncommon for the artist to use a circular breathing technique. When we think of a shehnai maestro, we think of Ustad Ali Ahmad Hussain Khan, a genius who passed away in 2006 at the age of 90.
Cd. Serenity – Ustad Ali Ahmad Hussain Khan.
Label: Felmay (2010), code: FY 8146. VIDEO

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