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thu 15 aug 2019 12:00 hour

An educational programme featuring early music. A choice of Medieval music from the music collection of Jan Kruit – This is a repeat from Monday 4 March 2019 –

Last year (2018), prominent programme maker Jan Kruit passed away.
For almost thirty years, he made programmes for the Concertzender. World music (Indian Ragas and Early Music from the Balkan), Classic and Romantic Chamber music and Early Music were his areas of expertise.
In our programmes we still make use of his collection.

Raimbaud d’Orange (12e/13e eeuw)
1. Ar resplan la flors envèrsa
Raimon de Miraval (12e /13e eeuw)
2. Chans, quan es qui l’entenda
3. Un sonet m’es belh qu’espanda

Gérard Zuchetto, vocalist. Patrice Brient, vièlle. Jaques Khoudir, bendir and percussion
(CD Gérard Zuchetto – chante Les Troubadours, Gallo CD 529, 1988)

4. Ar ne kuth ich sorghe non
5. Estampie
6. Omnis caro peccaverat

The Dufay Collective with John Potter, tenor
(CD Miri it is. Songs from Medieval England, Chandos Chan 9396, 1995)

Gilbert de Berneville (13th century)
7. De moi doleros vos chant
Gace Brulé (12e en 13 eeuw)
8. Biaus m‘est estez

Studio der Frühen Musik conducted by Thomas Binkley
(CD Troubadours et Trouvères, Teldec 8.35519 ZA, 1985)

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