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Orient Express

sat 15 jun 2019 01:00 hour
Composer: Traditional

Traditional classical music from India. With: Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, Zakir Hussain, Hamid Ali Khan, Partho Sarathi, Fida Hussain & Mrs. Paigabkar.


Components: Alaap, Hole in “matta language” & Hole in “teentaal” by Pandit Shivkumar Sharma on santoer & tabla guidance by Zakir Hussain.

CD. The flow of time Shivkumar Sharma – Zakir Hussain.
Label: Navras (2002), code: NRCD-9001.
Tracks: 7, 8 and 9 – 34’04

Two ragas: MIAN – KI MALHAR, a raga for the rainy season, and RAAD MEGH, also for the rainy season. By singer Hamid Ali Khan accompanied by: Partho Sarathi Mukherjee on tabla, Fida Hussain on harmonium, & Mrs. Paigankar on tampura.

CD. Ragas Malkauns/Mian Ki Malhar/Megh – Hamid Ali Khan. Label: Navras (1999), code: NRC D-0104. Tracks: 4, 5 en 6 – 24’15.

Production: Cobie Ivens
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