Electronic Frequencies on Wednesday 29 June 23:00 CET is a tribute to musician and composer Juan Antonio Nieto.
Earlier this year, on Sunday February 28, musician and composer Juan Antonio Nieto passed away.
“A good friend from the global music scene, who in recent decades was also active in the experimental music scene, has sadly left us.
Juan Antonio Nieto was known as a helpful and friendly man, who always came to your concert when you were playing in Madrid, who moved heaven and earth to enable you to perform, someone who saw the greatness in your abilities, in your sound world, whether you were well-known or not, someone who, as a painter, could see the entire sound spectrum as a painting, someone who was never too proud to publish a work freely.
In the Electronic Frequencies program of Wednesday 29 June at 23:00 CET I have chosen pieces of music together with good friends of Juan Antonio and his wife Almudena.
The music scene where he was known will miss him very much.”
Martijn Comes, June 22, 2022.
“Juan Antonio went to extremes with his wild ideas about sound,
sound that was physical, full, complex and for many also sacrosanct.”
Edu Comelles.
“As a composer, he was doomed to remain unknown, because he could do nothing but be himself.”
Philippe Petit.
Click here for the playlist.